miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

Me and my profession


   When I was a girl my brother and I always played at being veterinarians,  we always talked about how the career would and the best way to respect the animal's right and imagined that we had a clinic together and took care of the animals from neighbors.

   When i was in the school wasn´t  a good student because i had problems with concentration and also little patience but never stopped because i wanted to study veterinary medicine. When i finished the school i couldn't get into the university because i didn't had the marks needed...for this reason could not start my studies, after this I had to prepare to give the PSU and go to college...Now I'm a university student and i have a lot of friends but still I have problems with my concentration and patience so i don't have very good marks.. hehe...

Well, i never stop because this is the dream of all my life, I know that this take a lot of time to my life but... it doesn't matter.... I love this.

3 comentarios:

  1. Wife !! <3

    I imagine playing to be vet! So cute!! :)

    Never give up even if you have trouble getting things. If you need help, you only tell me!

    Kisses! I love you :)

  2. Played to be a veterinarian ijij

    You're so sweet

    Don't give up!

    I'm sure it will get easier


  3. When I was a girl my brother and I always played at being veterinarians, we always talked about how the career would and the best way to respect the animal's right and imagined that we had a clinic together and took care of the animals from neighbors.

    When i was in the school wasn´t a good student because i had problems with concentration and also little patience but never stopped because i wanted to study veterinary medicine. When i finished the school i couldn't get into the university because i didn't WF had the marks needed...for this reason could not start my studies, after this I had to prepare to give the PSU and go to college...Now I'm a university student and i have a lot of friends but still I have problems with my concentration and patience so i don't have very good marks.. hehe...

    Well, i never stop because this is the dream of all my life, I know that this take a lot of time to my life but... it doesn't matter.... I love this

    well done! now you should work on that yo know?
