lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

My ideal job

Well... At the first time. I don't know how would be my ideal job, I just know that will not be in production of animals :(... because for me this is cruel...and horrible, use animal for something needless. I desagree with eat animals because we can live very good without meat and milk and eggs.. and anything!.

So.. my ideal jobs would be in a clinic or preserve species... and I really don't know, for the side of the clinic I could help all the animal are in the street or abandoned and teach to the people how they must take care their pets and improve the quality. I like to work in the hospital of University of Chile it's in Bilbao and I knew it for my practice of this year, finally in this moment I'm not interested in the money I just want something whit I can live. On the other hand I could choice preserve species... for this I need go far(because in santiago there isn't work to do..well.. not much).. But would be amazing to help species and for they can live secure and they can be out for extinction, we need respect the nature..and protect all animals and all the forest. I'm interesting in the population growth and preserved ecosystems. In this... i like to work in the south of Chile in reserves.

  I think a lot about this but I can not decide, I hope to find something that makes me happy in my  years of study.

I hope you are fine... regards.

domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010

My favorite subject

   I think that my favorite subject is undoubtedly anatomy although my marks aren't the fact if the subject was over now .... I suspended jejjejej... but details... things of the life. Well well.. in another aspect I love this subject because I learn about how are animals, how they walk and run, and their differents structures.

   Before that I started university always imagined how would be my anatomy class, and always thought it would have good marks but... in the practice is very difficult...I study for other classes and I haven't all the time I want and need to study.. hard for me because I really like this subject.

  One of the reasons why I like this subjects it's that I can learn all about animals and... ufff! they are like us... their body works like ours, their structures are the same (almost all have the same name) and in some cases their body is  more complicated than ours. I also learned that all species are different, each with advantages and disadvantages, really deserve the same respect as us!.

  Finally another reason is that if i want to help animals I need learn all about animals to take care for them as they deserve.I hope that my classmates understand that all animals are equal and deserve the same livinf conditions ....forever ... Animal Rights!

viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010

Learning to teach

María Soledad Fernandez studied at the University of Chile the career of medical technologies only with 16! and she graduated with 20 years...because he liked the field of biology and because he wanted to marry a doctor (that's what she told me  jejejejej)... After graduation started working and then she did a Master.

Years after making classes in the faculty of Sciences she competed for a place at Veterinary School and is doing this right since 95...first of biology and then of histology until today.

Well she is my teacher of histology, when the year start I'dont knew nothing about histology but then in the second semester I have my first class and it was amazing..Initially I thought it was only by the issue of class, but after i could see that was by my teacher because she loves what she teaches so you feel that you also love him hehehe ... have so much interest that we learn and helps us with everything she can.

I admire her because he does what he likes and because he cares a lot for us and has a very high quality teaching, we are motivated to learn and wanting to know more. On the other hand always takes our questions and always willing to listen to our needs as students.

miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

Me and my profession


   When I was a girl my brother and I always played at being veterinarians,  we always talked about how the career would and the best way to respect the animal's right and imagined that we had a clinic together and took care of the animals from neighbors.

   When i was in the school wasn´t  a good student because i had problems with concentration and also little patience but never stopped because i wanted to study veterinary medicine. When i finished the school i couldn't get into the university because i didn't had the marks needed...for this reason could not start my studies, after this I had to prepare to give the PSU and go to college...Now I'm a university student and i have a lot of friends but still I have problems with my concentration and patience so i don't have very good marks.. hehe...

Well, i never stop because this is the dream of all my life, I know that this take a lot of time to my life but... it doesn't matter.... I love this.

lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

This is me

Hi, my name is Vanessa i'm 20 years old and I study veterinary medicine in the University of Chile I was born in Valparaiso in September 1990 but I came to Santiago in 2000. I love animals since I was a little girl, I have two dogs  their names are Mafi and Dingo, and I have three cats (Safi, Lucas and Eclipse). I live with my mom and dad. I like sports specially football, listen music, play my guitar and sleep all the time.

I hope that you comment my post.
bye :)